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International Women’s Day raises $10,000 for DFV survivors

pencil Posted 02nd July

More than $10,000 raised at the International Women’s Day Breakfast in March was presented to Liberty Domestic and Family Violence Specialist Services at a Hastings Business Women’s Network event on Thursday 27 June.

Liberty CEO Kelly Lamb said the annual International Women’s Day events have raised more than $170,000 for Liberty over the last 15 years and contributed to crisis accommodation renovations and support groups for victim-survivors.

“This latest donation will continue to support the  recovery and healing of women and children as they rebuild their lives free from violence and abuse,” Ms Lamb said.

“Recovery and Healing is one of the Pillars of the National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children, and one of Liberty’s strategic focus areas.

“Our work in this space will help to reduce the risk of re-traumatisation, and support victim-survivors to be safe, healthy and connected as they recover from the physical, mental, emotional, and economic impacts of violence.

“This donation will go towards trauma-informed wellbeing workshops, expand group work programs and offer psychosocial supports for women and children.

“Thank you to the International Women’s Day Committee and co-hosts, the HBWN and Member for Port Macquarie Leslie Williams, and all who continue to fundraise and support Liberty,” Ms Lamb said.

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