Our approachable team is sensitive to your needs and individual circumstances. We offer culturally appropriate and inclusive support to suit the needs of women from diverse cultural backgrounds, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and women with disabilities.
We connect with you to explore your hopes and dreams for you and your family. We respect your privacy and confidentiality. You will be guided to share your situation so that we can support you to make decisions that are right for you.
Liberty offers women a safe, supportive and nurturing space to explore your next steps – whatever they may be. Through our team’s shared wisdom and professional support we help you access the services you need, safely and with confidence.
Liberty offers a range of supports for women, these include:
Referrals to support services
Information and advocacy
Case management
Improved financial security
Education and employment
Health and wellbeing support
Transitional housing is an important step in the journey towards a violence-free life. It is an opportunity to gain a rental history, establish independence and find the confidence to recover from trauma.